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IBM i Breaks the 100% CPU Barrier... Now THAT'S Power!


IBM i Breaks the 100% CPU Barrier... Now THAT'S Power!

I knew these newer IBM i Power Systems were powerful, but now it seems they are able to achieve CPU perfomance that must require cooling with liquid nitrogen!

I was recently doing some testing on an IBM virtual server and started the HTTP server.  Yes, it still seems to take forever to start and I think now we can see why.  The CPU governor on the new power systems is finally allowing the Power of Java on IBM i systems to reach it's full potential!

Is this possible... it seems so.

Just think if RPG were able to utilize this much CPU... we'd be running cycle count reports in no time!

Last edited 06/05/2015 at 09:56:12


RE: IBM i Breaks the 100% CPU Barrier... Now THAT'S Power!


RE: IBM i Breaks the 100% CPU Barrier... Now THAT'S Power!

Recently, I started the HTTP server while performing some tests on a virtual server. Yeah, it still seems to take a while to begin, but I think we now understand why. The Power of Java on IBM I systems is finally able to realise its full potential thanks to the CPU governor on the new power systems.

Last edited 03/06/2023 at 03:59:39


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