
MAILTOOL Gets New ILE Subprocedure - Set Message With a Pointer


MAILTOOL Gets New ILE Subprocedure - Set Message With a Pointer

We recently updated MAILTOOL to v8.20 which includes a new procedure named #mailtool_setMsgPtr().

This new procedure allows you to set the message using a pointer and the length of the data to be used as the message.

This update was added for compatibility between OS releases from V5R2 to V7R1 and up.  Because the size of strings in RPG programs differs from release to release, this addition was requested and implemented so that if a user on a newer OS level is using strings they can easily set the message to a size larger than the V5Rx limit of 64kb.

The prototype for the new procedure is as follows:

      * #mailtool_setMsgPtr - Set Value of Message with Pointer      *
      *                                                              *
      * Input:                                                       *
      *   in_msg@ - The pointer to the message data.                 *
      *   in_msg@Size - The size of the message data.                *
      *                                                              *
      * Output:                                                      *
      *   out_errMsg - The error message (if error exists).          *
      *                                                              *
      * Returns:                                                     *
      *   -1 for error, size of message if no error.                 *
      *                                                              *
     D #mailtool_setMsgPtr...
     D                 PR            10i 0
     D  in_msg@                        *
     D  in_msg@Size                  10i 0 Value
     D  out_errMsg                  256    Options(*NOPASS)


A sample application using the new procedure is as follows:

      * Prototypes                                                   *
     D ErrMsg          S            256    INZ
     D rc              S             10i 0
     D msgID           S             13s 0
     D myMessage       S          65535

       myMessage = 'This is my message!  It could be long or short!';

       if (#mailtool_init() >= 0);
         rc = #mailtool_setValue('configuration_file':
         rc = #mailtool_loadDefaults();
         rc = #mailtool_addTORecipient('');
         rc = #mailtool_setValue('subject':'Test #mailtool_setMsgPtr');
         rc = #mailtool_setMsgPtr(%addr(myMessage):%len(%trimr(myMessage)));
         rc = #mailtool_sendMail(errMsg:msgID);

       *INLR = *ON;

Now, in this example we've used the lowest common denominator of V5R2 and set the max string size to 65535 bytes.  On newer OS releases this of course could be much larger (up to 16m or maybe more if the limit is increased again!).

Again, if there are any questions, please ask. 

Last edited 04/24/2019 at 10:44:58


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