
SPLTOOL Update for Those on V7R1 and Up


SPLTOOL Update for Those on V7R1 and Up

We recently updated SPLTOOL so that you are able to configure the software to use the IBM conversions to create PDF files from your spooled files if you desire.  

This means if you already have SPLTOOL commands such as SPL2EMAIL in place you can make a very simple change to use the IBM PDF conversions and still keep all your commands as they are.  One advantage to this is that you are able to convert AFPDS spooled files with color overlays and the colors should remain intact instead of using grey scales as the previous versions created.

The requirements for this new option are:

  • SPLTOOL v10.10 SP160314 or higher.
  • OS version V7R1M0 or higher.
  • Download and apply 7.1 PTF SI43471 or a superseding PTF
  • Install licensed program 5770TS1, *BASE and Option 1, "IBM Transform Services for i" and "Transforms - AFP to PDF Transform".
  • See this link for more information

This new version includes a data area in the SPLTOOL library named SPLPDFIBM.  The valid values for this data area are:

  • *SCS - This will use CPYSPLF to convert only *SCS spooled files.
  • *AFPDS - This will use CPYSPLF to convert only *AFPDS spooled files.
  • *ALL - This will use CPYSPLF to convert both *SCS and *AFPDS spooled files.
  • Any other value will default to use either the SPLTOOL (for SCS spooled files) or AFPTOOL (for AFPDS spooled files) conversion methods as before.  This is the default for new installations.

In order to set this value, use the Change Data Area (CHGDTAARA) command as follows:


Just replace value with *SCS, *AFPDS, or *ALL.  This value IS case sensitive. 

Feel free to contact us with any other questions.  Thanks!

Last edited 03/15/2016 at 08:12:46


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