
Sending an Email Using JOBWATCH When a Job Enters MSGW Status


Sending an Email Using JOBWATCH When a Job Enters MSGW Status

This is an example of how to use Job Watch (JOBWATCH) to send an email to one or more people when a job name the Message Wait (MSGW) status.  This particular example uses the MAILTOOL command to deliver the email.

1.  Add JOBWATCH to your library list.


2.  Type JOBWATCHCF on the command line and press Enter to enter the Job Status Maintenance Screen.

3.  On the top empty line of the subfile, enter a 1 on the Opt (Option) column to add a new entry.  Type  MSGW on the Status Line and just type CALL on the command line and press Enter.  

You will now have an entry that looks like this:

4.  Enter the option 2 on the Opt line next to the new entry you just created.  This will display the Enter Extended Command screen.  You now can fill in the rest of the information for this program call.  

The main thing to note is that for each parameter that you want to pass to the program, you should enter the replacement variable enclosed in single quotes.

A list of replacement variables and their data sizes can be seen here in the documentation.

My example command is as follows:

CALL PGM(MYLIB/MSGWEMAIL) PARM('&J' '&S' '&U' '&N' '&F' '&E')  

This command will call program MSGWEMAIL in library MYLIB and pass along the values for the Job Name, Job Status, User ID, Job Number, Function (normally the program name) and an extended message for the error.  Note here than you do not need to use the library name on the program to call as long as the library is in the library list of the JOBWATCH job that is running.  But, it is a good idea just in case.

5.  We now need to create program MSGWEMAIL that will accept the parameters and send an email to the appropriate recipient:

DCL VAR(&JOB)       TYPE(*CHAR) LEN(10)                             
DCL VAR(&JOBSTATUS) TYPE(*CHAR) LEN(4)                              
DCL VAR(&USER)      TYPE(*CHAR) LEN(10)                             
DCL VAR(&JOBNBR)    TYPE(*CHAR) LEN(6)                              
DCL VAR(&FUNCTION)  TYPE(*CHAR) LEN(10)                             
DCL VAR(&ERRORTEXT) TYPE(*CHAR) LEN(4096)                           
DCL VAR(&SUBJECT)   TYPE(*CHAR) LEN(1024)                           
DCL VAR(&LEN)       TYPE(*DEC) LEN(4 0)                               
ADDLIBLE   LIB(MAILTOOL)                                            
MONMSG     MSGID(CPF0000)                                           
CHGVAR     VAR(&SUBJECT) VALUE('Job ' *BCAT &JOB *BCAT +            
             ' is in ' *BCAT &JOBSTATUS *BCAT ' status')            
CHGVAR     VAR(&MESSAGE) +                                          
           VALUE('JOB: ' *BCAT &JOB *BCAT +                         
             ' is in ' *BCAT &JOBSTATUS *BCAT ' status')    

CHGVAR     VAR(&MESSAGE) +                                  
           VALUE('JOB: ' *BCAT &JOB *BCAT +                 
                 '\n' *BCAT +                               
                 'JOB NUMBER: ' *BCAT &JOBNBR *BCAT +       
                 '\n' *BCAT +                               
                 'STATUS: ' *BCAT &JOBSTATUS *BCAT +        
                 '\n' *BCAT +                               
                 'FUNCTION: ' *BCAT &FUNCTION *BCAT +       
                 '\n' *BCAT +                               
                 %SST(&ERRORTEXT 1 &LEN))                               
             FROMADDR( +                
             SUBJECT(&SUBJECT) MESSAGE(&MESSAGE) +        

You will notice than I am getting the length of only the &ERRORTEXT variable.  That's because it's the only one larger than 32 bytes.  In some cases parameters larger than 32 bytes will contain "garbage" because the data is passed by reference.  So, we use the CL %LEN Built In Function (BIF) to retrieve the actual length of the string.

6.  Now, sometimes users will want to only send an email when a specific job enters MSGW status.  This can easily be accomplished by putting a conditional statement around the MAILTOOL command:


IF         COND(&JOB *EQ 'QZDASOINIT') THEN(DO)               
MAILTOOL   TOADDR( +                     
             FROMADDR( +                    
             SUBJECT(&SUBJECT) MESSAGE(&MESSAGE) +            


When all done, the JOBWATCH application will send the email.  


Feel free to contact me with any questions.


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