Recently I was asked by a customer how to use GreenTools for G Suite (G4G) to upload all the files in a directory in the IFS to their Google Drive.
G4G doesn't have any wildcard or "entire folder" options (yet) but I thought since I have a few programs that do read through directories it would be fairly simple to put together an example.
Program DIRLOOP was created and looks like this:
* Prototypes
D stat PR 10I 0 EXTPROC('stat')
D filename * VALUE Options(*String)
D bufpointer * VALUE
D opendir PR * EXTPROC('opendir')
D dirname * VALUE options(*string)
D closedir PR 10I 0 EXTPROC('closedir')
D dirhandle * VALUE
D readdir PR * EXTPROC('readdir')
D dirp * VALUE
D StatDS DS 128
D st_mode 10U 0
D st_ino 10U 0
D st_nlink 5U 0
D st_reserved1 2A
D st_uid 10U 0
D st_gid 10U 0
D st_size 10U 0
D st_atime 10U 0
D st_mtime 10U 0
D st_ctime 10U 0
D st_dev 10U 0
D st_blksize 10I 0
D st_allocsize 10I 0
D st_objtype 10A
D st_reserved2 2A
D st_codepage 5U 0
D st_ccsid 5U 0
D st_reserved3 57A
D st_ino_gen_id 10U 0
D dirEnt@ s *
D dirEnt ds based(dirEnt@)
D d_reserved1 16A
D d_fileno_gen_id...
D 10U 0
D d_fileno 10U 0
D d_reclen 10U 0
D d_reserved2 10I 0
D d_reserved3 8A
D d_nlsinfo 12A
D nls_ccsid 10I 0 OVERLAY(d_nlsinfo:1)
D nls_cntry 2A OVERLAY(d_nlsinfo:5)
D nls_lang 3A OVERLAY(d_nlsinfo:7)
D nls_reserv 3A OVERLAY(d_nlsinfo:10)
D d_namelen 10U 0
D d_name 640A
D directory S 256 INZ('/tmp/testfiles')
D gFolder S 256 INZ('/temp/testfiles')
D gFolderID S 256 INZ('0B2Sd62H63YjoM0lzanJ3Rzh5TUU')
D fileName S 256
D qualFileName S 256
D errorMsg S 256
D newFileID S 256
D id S 256 INZ('')
D dir@ S *
D rc S 10I 0
dir@ = opendir(%trimr(directory));
if (dir@ = *NULL);
//error - Directory Not Found
exsr $Return;
dirEnt@ = readdir(dir@);
dow (dirEnt@ <> *NULL);
fileName = %subst(d_name:1:d_namelen);
qualFileName = %trim(directory) + '/' + fileName;
if (stat(%trim(qualFileName):%addr(StatDS)) < 0);
exsr $Return;
if (st_objtype = '*STMF') or
(st_objtype = '*DSTMF') or
(st_objtype = '*DOC');
rc = #g4gdrv_setValue('id':id:errorMsg);
// We can either use the fully qualified folder path or the ID of the
// folder we want to upload to. The latter is much faster.
//rc = #g4gdrv_setValue('upload_to_folder':gFolder);
rc = #g4gdrv_setValue('in_parent_id':gFolderID);
rc = #g4gdrv_setValue('upload_file':qualFileName);
rc = #g4gdrv_upload(newFileID:errorMsg);
if (rc < 0);
//error uploading file
exsr $Return;
dirEnt@ = readdir(dir@);
exsr $Return;
//* Return
begsr $Return;
*INLR = *ON;
The program is a very simple one and I tried to put all the prototypes and variables in the program that would be needed. The only thing that isn't is the /copy member for P.G4GDRV which is part of the G4G application.
This program reads through the IFS directory /tmp/testfiles. For each file we then call the #g4gdrv_upload() function to upload the file to the /temp/testfiles directory on my Google Drive account.
Really very simple. The only thing that really needs mentioning is this part of the code:
// We can either use the fully qualified folder path or the ID of the
// folder we want to upload to. The latter is much faster.
//rc = #g4gdrv_setValue('upload_to_folder':gFolder);
rc = #g4gdrv_setValue('in_parent_id':gFolderID);
When using G4G to upload a file there are many ways to set the values. For example here we have two options to set the folder we want to upload with. The first way is setting the value upload_to_folder with the fully qualified path of the folder. The second is using the actual folder ID. Everything in Google Drive has a unique ID. If we use this ID instead of the actual folder name then G4G will run faster since it doesn't have to look up the ID of the folder itself.
Getting the ID of the folder was as simple as opening Google Drive in my browser and going to that specific folder. As shown in the following image, the ID is the last part of the URL:
I also put together a video that shows the program running (I hoe you like Jazz! I forgot to turn off my music and Dream Theater was in the background so I had to remove that for Copyright purposes and added some music offered by YouTube.)
In closing, we have a lot of power at our fingertips with sometimes underused system APIs and functions. Even today in dealing with customers the IFS is very underused. So hopefully this will help some with everyday processing of files, and also take advantage of the Cloud by using Google Drive.