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Logging jobs that hit an outq


Logging jobs that hit an outq

We are looking at new processing software and we would like to find out which reports are being run, when they run and who submitted the job.  Is there a way to do that at the outq level?  Or is there some other way to get this information?  We don't have access to code so we can't put triggers in the programs.

Thank you for any information.


RE: Logging jobs that hit an outq


RE: Logging jobs that hit an outq


If you check out our Output Queue Trigger (OUTQTRG) software that may do what you want. 

When a spooled file hits an output queue that you are monitoring you will have access to all of the information about that spooled file/job listed in the OUTQTRG documentation at the bottom of this page.

Last edited 02/13/2020 at 13:05:59


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