
BVSTools ILE Functions Being Updated to Remove Hashtag (#) from Function Names


BVSTools ILE Functions Being Updated to Remove Hashtag (#) from Function Names

BVSTools is in the process of updating all of our software that offers ILE functionality.

We are updating the function names to no longer include the hashtag (#) in front of each function name.  For example:


will become


Why are we doing this?  Well, we have had several customers running their systems in non-US based code pages and this hashtag causes issues when they try to use the functions.

So far the following pieces of software have been updated and are available for download (this list will be updated as new versions of other software become available):

We understand this may cause a little hassle as the software using these functions will need to be updated and recompiled, but so far even in us updating the software and all of our programs that use it, we have found that using a good IDE (like Visual Code Studio) the process is quite simple using the find/replace functions.

Feel free to contact us with any questions.  Thanks!


Last edited 05/03/2022 at 06:59:37


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