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V7R2 QZHBCGI Error Logged to QSYSOPR and Job Log


V7R2 QZHBCGI Error Logged to QSYSOPR and Job Log

Recently we had a customer using our eRPG SDK report with an error.  It was happening when calling our #getData() subroutine that retrieves the value of a form field on a web page. 

We found in his job log something that for some reason brought back some memories.  It looked something like this:

Pointer not set for location referenced. 
Suspected program QZHBCGI not found. 
Object QZHBCGI in *LIBL type *PGM not found. 
Exception recursion detected. 

There were also messages logged in QSYSOPR regarding this as well.

It reminded me of a thread, which showed up right away in a search for the symptoms of this problem as a Midrange-L post.

A little searching found this very "nondescript" PTF cover letter.,qzhbcgi

​We are having the customer apply this PTF before calling IBM for support and will report back if this solves the issue.

Last edited 02/16/2016 at 18:46:22


RE: V7R2 QZHBCGI Error Logged to QSYSOPR and Job Log


RE: V7R2 QZHBCGI Error Logged to QSYSOPR and Job Log

I just received an update from my customer on this.  Apparently they have the PTF applied already.

IBM support is saying to try adding the library that the QZHBCGI object is in to the library list.  QZHBCGI is a service program.  The eRPG SDK service programs are created using binding directories pointing directly to this object (the library is stated in the Binding Directory).

A better option would be to copy the QZHBCGI object into their CGI library, but that still doesn't explain the fact that it's worked since V5Rx up until now (with that one issue from V5R3 to V5R4 mentioned previously that was fixed with a PTF and seems to be exactly the same problem as this).

So, again IBM support I don't believe is looking deep enough.  They're focusing on one error in the job log which is that the QZHBCGI object is not found in *LIBL.  

I will update when I hear more.

Last edited 01/20/2016 at 09:58:20


RE: V7R2 QZHBCGI Error Logged to QSYSOPR and Job Log


RE: V7R2 QZHBCGI Error Logged to QSYSOPR and Job Log

Another update.

IBM has suggested they add the QHTTPSVR library (where QZHBCGI exists) to the library list or copying the object to their CGI library.  Both which seem to work.

But... this shouldn't need to be done.  It's worked fine for years.  Seems like an ILE issue.  Any why it's reporting QZHGCGI type *PGM (instead of *SRVPGM) is odd as well.


Last edited 01/29/2016 at 10:30:21


RE: V7R2 QZHBCGI Error Logged to QSYSOPR and Job Log


RE: V7R2 QZHBCGI Error Logged to QSYSOPR and Job Log

V7R2 QZHBCGI error is an error message logged in the IBM i operating system's QSYSOPR message queue and job log. It typically indicates an issue related to the QZHBCGI program, which is responsible for handling HTTP requests on the system. Further analysis and troubleshooting are required to identify and resolve the specific cause of the error.


Last edited 07/08/2023 at 01:42:15


RE: RE: V7R2 QZHBCGI Error Logged to QSYSOPR and Job Log


RE: RE: V7R2 QZHBCGI Error Logged to QSYSOPR and Job Log

IBM has recommended including the QHTTPSVR library (where QZHBCGI resides) in the library list or duplicating the object to their CGI library. Both how to watch private youtube videos methods appear effective, yet the necessity for such actions is questionable, as the system has functioned properly for years. This appears to be an issue related to ILE.

Last edited 02/12/2024 at 05:37:33


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