
Using MAILTOOL Plus to Test the IBM SMTP Server Settings


Using MAILTOOL Plus to Test the IBM SMTP Server Settings

I have a few customers still using MAILTOOL with the default setting that uses the IBM SMTP server for the delivery of the email.  This means when MAILTOOL is called with the default SENDWITH parmater of *IBMSMTP, MAILTOOL will build the email but it will pass off delivery to the IBM SMTP server.  This is different when using MAILTOOL Plus as the delivery is done using MAILTOOL itself, totally bypassing the IBM SMTP server.

There are cases when email stops being delivered with using the IBM SMTP server for delivery.  Because I don't support the IBM SMTP server, this is an issue that should be taken up with IBM.  But, you do have the option to use MAILTOOL Plus temporarily (and for FREE) to test your IBM STMP settings.  This isn't foolproof, but it may help figure out issues during the communications portion of delivering the email.

1.  Request a temp key for MAILTOOLP (MAILTOOL Plus) from
2.  Apply the key for MAILTOOLP that you receive in the email.
3.  Run your MAILTOOL command again but specify the following additional parameters:
MAILRTR(xx.xx.xx.xx) <---- replace xx.xx.xx.xx with the mail router you use.  This should be in CHGSMTPA in the IBM SMTP settings
If the mail router requires a user and password then you can supply them as well on the command (AUTHUSER and AUTHPW).
If the email doesn't go through, you should have some debug files in the IFS in the /tmp directory.  There should be one named /tmp/mailtoolsmtp_xxxx.txt where xxxx is a sequential and unique ID/number.  You can forward that to BVSTools and I can see if there are any clues.  A jog log sent in text or PDF format would also be helpful.
Here is an article provided to customers needing assistance with MAILTOOL Plus and how to provide the best information possible:
If it does go through ok, then there is most likely an issue with the IBM SMTP settings.

Last edited 12/17/2024 at 10:15:22


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