
Parsing JSON using RPG with Scott Klement's Port of YAJL (Yet Another JSON Library)


Parsing JSON using RPG with Scott Klement's Port of YAJL (Yet Another JSON Library)

In a previous article we showed an example of how you can build JSON very easily using Scott Klement's port of the YAJL JSON Library.

In this three part article we will focus on parsing the JSON data.

The data we will be working with in the two examples will be the same data that we built in the previous article on building JSON.

The first example was JSON data that represented our customer records.  The data was presented in a JSON array object with each array element representing one customer's information:

    "customerList": [
            "email": "",
            "lname": "LastName",
            "fname": "FirstName",
            "comp": "Company, Inc.",
            "add1": "Address1",
            "add2": "Address2",
            "city": "Eugene",
            "state": "OR",
            "zip": "97401",
            "country": "USA"
            "email": "",
            "lname": "LastName",
            "fname": "FirstName",
            "comp": "Company, Inc.",
            "add1": "Address1",
            "add2": "Address2",
            "city": "Fargo",
            "state": "ND",
            "zip": "58201",
            "country": "USA"

To parse this data we will need to loop through each element in the array and process each array element.  

The following program was what we came up with (using the samples provided as a starting point):

      * Imports
      /include yajl_h
      * Global Definitions
     D CSTMSTDS      E DS                  EXTNAME(CSTMSTPF)
      * Work Variables
     D docNode         s                   like(yajl_val)
     D custList        s                   like(yajl_val)
     D node            s                   like(yajl_val)
     D val             s                   like(yajl_val)
     D i               s             10i 0
     D errMsg          s            500a   varying inz('')

       docNode = yajl_stmf_load_tree( '/tmp/makejson1.json' : errMsg );

       if errMsg <> '';
          // handle error

       exsr $Header;


       *inlr = *on;
       //* Read Header
       begsr $Header;

         custList = YAJL_object_find(docNode: 'customerList');

         i = 0;

         dow YAJL_ARRAY_LOOP(custList:i:node );
            val = YAJL_object_find(node:'email');
            CMEMAIL = yajl_get_string(val);

            val = YAJL_object_find(node: 'lname');
            CMLNAME = yajl_get_string(val);

            val = YAJL_object_find(node: 'fname');
            CMFNAME = yajl_get_string(val);

            val = YAJL_object_find(node: 'comp');
            CMFCOMP = yajl_get_string(val);

            val = YAJL_object_find(node: 'add1');
            CMFADD1 = yajl_get_string(val);

            val = YAJL_object_find(node: 'add2');
            CMFADD2 = yajl_get_string(val);

            val = YAJL_object_find(node: 'city');
            CMFCITY = yajl_get_string(val);

            val = YAJL_object_find(node: 'state');
            CMFSTATE = yajl_get_string(val);

            val = YAJL_object_find(node: 'zip');
            CMFZIP = yajl_get_string(val);

            val = YAJL_object_find(node: 'country');
            CMFCNT = yajl_get_string(val);


In the D-Specs we first see a few variables defined "like" yajl_val.  These are pointers that will be used to point to the beginning of each JSON object that we process.  Think of these pointers as 
"holding places" so we know where we are in the JSON structure.  Similar to when you're reading a book and you put a finger on the first paragraph, then as you read each word use your other finger to follow the words in the paragraph.

The first variable, docNode, is used to point to the very beginning of the JSON data.  Once we load the JSON data using yajl_stmf_load_tree() the docNode pointer will point to the start of the data.  

Next, we need to find the beginning of the first element in the data.  In this case it's an array named customerList and will point to the beginning of the array of customer data JSON objects.  We find the start using the YAJL_object_find() procedure.

The YAJL_object_find() procedure accepts 2 parameters

  1. An input parameter that should be a pointer to the parent object (in this case, the entire JSON data set)
  2. The name of the node we want to find (in this case, customerList)

If found, a pointer to the object will be returned.  If not found, the pointer value will be *NULL.

Once we find the customer array we need to loop through each item and process them.  This is done with a very interesting procedure named YAJL_ARRAY_LOOP().  This procedure takes 3 parameters:

  1. An input parameter that is a pointer to the beginning of the array to process.  In this case, it should be the pointer we found earlier that points to the beginning of the customer array, customerList.
  2. An input/output parameter that is the current index being processed (that should be set to zero before processing).  This index is incremented automatically on each iteration of the loop by the procedure itself.  In our case this is a variable named i.
  3. A output parameter that holds a pointer to the current array element that is being processed.  This is important when we want to find information for the specific array element.  In our case this pointer will be named node.

For each item in the array we process them by using the YAJL_object_find() procedure and the name of each item in the customer object we want to get the data for.  It's important to note that the name of the node we are using for each piece of customer data is node.  This is the parameter returned from the YAJL_ARRAY_LOOP() call that was executed previously.

Take a look at this figure for a visual representation of what is happening:

So, right now we have 3 pointers.  docNode and customerList are reference points in the JSON data for the entire document and the beginning of the customer list, respectively.  

The third pointer, node travels down each array element of the customer list as we loop through.  This means we will have access to the data in each node and the data can be processed normally.

This example is a very simple one, and in the Part 2 of this series we will be processing another set of data that includes embedded arrays more than one level deep.

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Last edited 07/12/2019 at 10:52:09


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